Monday, November 26, 2012

Writing Question and Answer Books

The last few weeks, we have been studying Question and Answer books. Today, the first graders began writing their own with their partner. They had to agree on a topic and how to organize their book before they began.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Holiday Fun!

Today we got to know the other first grade students and teachers a little bit better! In Mrs. Johnson's class we made turkey cupcakes. In Mrs. Peterson's class we worked together to create a class Thankful book. In Mrs. Rasmussen's class we learned about the cornucopia. And in Mrs. Atols' and Mrs. Warner's class we made origami turkeys. What a fun (and tasty) way getting to know each other!

Friday, November 16, 2012

5 Little Monkeys

Today our class attended First Stage Children's Theater's production of 5 Little Monkeys. The show was great and we made many text-to-performance connections! We were also fortunate to meet with Ellie Kumer. Ellie is a Brookfield Elementary alum who played one of the silly monkeys in today's performance.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Veterans Day Activities

On Friday we remembered our country's many veterans with a special assembly. We also honored them by placing hundreds of flags in front of our school. On this Veterans Day we say THANK YOU!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Sharing Personal Narratives

All four first grade classes got together this afternoon to share their favorite personal narratives. It was great to see kids from different classrooms get excited about each other's writing!

Monday, November 5, 2012

First Grade Readers

As I took a moment to look around the classroom this morning, this is what I saw...first graders engaged in meaninful reading work together!

We Have Butterflies!

It was an exciting morning when we got to watch a Painted Lady Butterfly emerge from its chrysalis! Wow-what an experience!