Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Reader's Theater

Follow this link to see video of the students' reader's theater presentations from this week!
Please note, the videos won't play on an iPad or iPhone through Safari because of the flash issue.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Building Shapes

This week we explored different 2 dimensional shapes as we used straws and twist-ties to build a variety of them. Ask your child to look for shapes in your home. Can they find a square, triangle or rectangle? How about a hexagon, rhombus or trapezoid?

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Velveteen Rabbit

Today we had the opportunity to see The Velveteen Rabbit at the Sharron Lynn Wilson Center. Our students were so respectful and well behaved. They really enjoyed the performance!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Using Attribute Blocks

This afternoon we learned more about shapes and their attributes as we played the Attribute Train Game. The object was to add a shape to the train by changing just 1 attribute. It was tricky, but we all got the hang of it!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Guest Author Visit from Sarah Weeks

What an exciting day! Brookfield Elementary welcomed author Sarah Weeks to spend the day with our students. We were lucky enough to have Ms. Weeks spend time in our classroom and watch a few different reader's theater presentations. She was so impressed!

This afternoon all of the kindergarten and first graders had a special presentation with Ms. Weeks. She talked to us about where she gets here ideas from, where she does her writing and even read us a few of her books!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Exchanging Coins

During math today, the first graders were practicing exchanging coins. They were using pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters. Remember to continue counting and exchanging coins at home!