Friday, September 28, 2012

Independent Reading

Each day in first grade your child will practice their reading strategies independently during Reading time. We are working to increase our stamina to 30 minutes. Here we are enjoying our books!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Friday Free Time

Each week the first graders have the opportunity to earn 20 minutes of Free Time to play games, make projects and crafts, or talk and laugh with their friends. Here they are enjoying their first Free Friday time!

The Mealworms Have Arrived!

The first of our insects arrived in our classroom this week! The first graders have been observing and learning to care for these living creatures.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Partner Reading

After reading a good book, everyone likes to share it with a friend!

Math Explorations

Today, the first graders had a chance to explore some of our math materials. They enjoyed finding out more about pattern blocks, base ten blocks, geo-boards and playing Top-It.